Bringing You Targetted Results! Tue Aug 14 22:18:53 2001 

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Search Engine Traffic brings you Targetted results

Our network conducts over 3 million searches per month!

Featured Text Links

Place your link in the Top 3 positions!

You may have your links displayed in a specific category or throughout the entire network.

Categories to select from :

  • Advertisers can choose specific categories so that when a search is conducted in that category, the advertiser's link will be displayed at one of the top three positions of the page.
  • Advertisers will also get real time demographics for the campaign.
  • Price: $500.00 per position per month (run of site).
  • First come, first serve basis with the earliest receiving the number one position.
  • Minimum Purchase: one month.
  • Link Specifications: Title, 250 character description, URL

Banner Advertising

Display your banners based on category as well as keyword specific searches.

  • Advertisers will have their 468x60 banner displayed on the top of the search results page based upon the keyword searched for or the category the user has entered. This allows advertisers to target specific site users based on the keywords they enter. This type of campaign provides advertisers with more targeted results.
  • Advertisers may select keywords for their campaign and anytime these keywords are entered by a user, the advertiser's banner will be displayed.
  • Advertisers will also get real time information on their campaign.
  • Price: $10.00 CPM for targetted banners ; $5.00 CPM for run of site banners
  • Minimum Purchase: 50,000 impressions.
  • Banner Specifications: 468x60, smaller than 15k in size, may be animated

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